Breathwork and Meditation Practices

The following 3 practices focus on double breathing which is taking two inhalations followed by one exhalation through the mouth.

The double inhalation increases oxygen levels and alertness, while the long slow exhalation calms the nervous system and lowers blood pressure and heart rate.

You should aim to exhale for about 5-8 seconds. You can experiment with the way you would like to exhale. Some suggestions are to do pursed lip breathing, quietly saying '“haaaaaa” as if blowing fog on a mirror, or humming.

The five minute practice has one round of 20 breathes followed by one breath hold for one minute. You can pause the video if you would like to go longer.

The 10 minute practice are two round backs to back. You can combine them to do three rounds.

The 20 minute practice has two rounds of double breathing and one round of Wim Hof breathing followed by a meditation practice. In the mindfulness practice, I try to bring some levity and humor which is unusual for meditation practice. Don’t take it so seriously, enjoy the breath, experiment and play.

You can click on the link below for versions that include music or you can play these audio files while playing music of your own choosing in another tab.